by Eun-Hye Choi | Jul 22, 2001 | Sermons
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 The Bible starts with the story of God’s creation. One impressive thing to us in the story is that on the seventh day God rested from all his work. The Bible says, “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the...
by Eun-Hye Choi | Jul 15, 2001 | Sermons
Scripture: Luke 10:25-42 Today we heard one of the most famous Bible stories again. It is the “Good Samaritan” story. All of Jesus’ parables are very interesting and have deep meanings whenever we read them again and again. We can learn a good lesson from this story,...
by Eun-Hye Choi | Jul 1, 2001 | Sermons
Scripture: 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! It’s so exciting to meet you face to face in this house of God. I heard many wonderful things about this congregation and its members from Pastor Gary and Arlene Christopherson who is the Elgin...
by Eun-Hye Choi | May 20, 2001 | Sermons
Scripture: John 14:23-29; Revelation 21:1-10 When I look back on my faith journey, the question “What do I believe as a Christian?” has led me through my faith journey. From a very young age I learned the love of Jesus through Sunday School Bible studies and...
by Eun-Hye Choi | Apr 8, 2001 | Sermons
Scripture: Isaiah 50:4-9; Luke 19:28-40 Today we waved palm branches to remember Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Palm trees grow well in dry land since they have deep roots that seek out the water easily. In the Bible palm trees are characteristic of water...